What should I do if my dog ​​has joint pain?

Does your dog suffer from canine arthritis symptoms such as lameness and reluctance to walk? Osteoarthritis is a long-term and progressive problem. It is an irreversible phenomenon. In addition to seeking surgical treatment to relieve the dog’s discomfort and prevent the further deterioration of joint disease, daily maintenance is also very important. This article lists 3 This is a way to prevent joint pain, recommended with dog joint health food, to help you improve the protection of your dog’s joints.

How can you tell if your dog has joint pain?

Joint disease is a long-term injury, and it is difficult to completely cure it. When a dog suffers from dog arthritis, there will be behaviors such as slow movement, rigid limbs and lameness. If the dog has the following symptoms, it is recommended to go to the veterinary hospital for treatment as soon as possible!

Decreased appetite: Decreased appetite and water intake.

Decreased Mobility: Less time walking, or less frequent walking.

How can you tell if your dog has joint pain?

Staggering walking: Altered gait, transient lameness in severe cases, and even muscle atrophy.

Swollen joints: The dog will get angry, avoid the behavior of touching certain parts, and keep licking or biting the painful joints.

Uncomfortable defecation: Dogs can feel pain when squatting, so defecation behavior is affected.

Stiffness of the limbs: The movement becomes stiff and difficult, and in severe cases, the whole body may be stiff, and the body may tremble when lying down.

What causes joint pain in dogs?

Knowing the causes of joint pain in dogs can help avoid the above symptoms and seek treatment early. The following 3 common reasons are for your reference.

1.  Anterior cruciate ligament rupture

The reasons for ligament rupture are not only fragility due to aging, but also the burden of knees caused by obesity and strong external force, etc., which may also lead to rupture. After the dog’s ligament is injured, there will be abnormal walking patterns, and it is also easy to cause arthritis, joint deformation and so on. Dislocation and other symptoms.

2.  Degenerative arthritis

Due to problems such as aging, excess weight and congenital joint abnormalities, long-term abnormal wear and tear will lead to fibrosis of the soft tissue around the joints, resulting in the inability of the joints to move and articulate normally, resulting in pain when moving the joints.

What causes joint pain in dogs?

3.  Hip dysplasia

Due to hereditary joint diseases, the bones in the joints are dislocated and cannot be tightly joined, and with age and weight gain, symptoms may worsen, so you need to pay more attention.

What should I do if my dog ​​has joint pain?

Dog Arthritis Symptoms

Mild joint pain can be observed from the symptoms of slow movement. Excessive pain may lead to more serious conditions, such as general stiffness, lying down and trembling, etc. Therefore, if you find that your dog has joint discomfort and the above symptoms, it is recommended to act as soon as possible Seek the help of a professional veterinarian, let the veterinarian diagnose and take further treatment measures, conduct a comprehensive examination for the dog, and relieve pain at the same time.

How to prevent joint pain?

In order to give your dog healthier joints and prevent your dog from staggering, walking and other symptoms, in addition to eating dog health food, the following 3 major points will help you prevent your dog’s joint pain.

1.  Carry out weight control to avoid obesity

Excessive weight can easily lead to long-term compression of the joints, causing wear and premature aging. The following are 4 weight control points for you to prevent your dog from becoming overweight.

To assess whether the dog is overweight, the owner can place the thumbs of both hands on the dog’s back bone, and then move the fingers along the rib cage of the rib cage. If a little pressure cannot touch the ribs, it is overweight. .

Set weight loss goals and plan your daily feed weights.

Measure your dog’s weight once a week.

Calculate the daily calorie, for example: a dog of 20 to 30 kg, the required calorie calculation formula is target weight * 30 + 70.

2.  Avoid excessively intense exercise

Often going up and down the stairs will cause damage to the dog’s spine and limbs, and it is easy to cause symptoms such as bone spurs and hind limb weakness, which should be avoided as much as possible. In addition, if the dog wants to play games with the owner, such as catching a Frisbee, catching a ball, etc., it is recommended to reduce the frequency of running and jumping, reduce the burden on the dog’s joints, and avoid symptoms such as pain and discomfort.

3.  Supplementary health food

According to clinical experiments, ingesting health food with anti-inflammatory effect can improve arthritis pain and reduce the discomfort of bone spurs. For example, health food containing Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce abnormal inflammation symptoms in the body, while maintaining and repairing The capacity of joint tissue.

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